Cashing In On Facebook, Paying Less For Gas, Spending Money We Don't Have, And More

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Stock investing is a lot like riding a motorcycle: It can be fast, furious and a hell of a lot of fun.

Or you can crash and burn.
21 People And Companies Set To Get Rich Off Facebook IPO (PHOTOS)
Falling Gas Prices Put Money In People's Pockets
Heartbreaking Photos Of Foreclosure Victims
The Latest Bank To Raise Fees
How To Stop Money Problems (In A Marriage) Before They Start
Barbara Ehrenreich: Preying on the Poor
Lenders, including major credit companies as well as payday lenders, have taken over the traditional role of the street-corner loan shark, charging the poor insanely high rates of interest.
LearnVest: Why Your Kid is Now 25% More Expensive
I'm worried that by the time my son turns seven, his dad and I will both have to take on additional jobs just to handle the expenses. And new research shows it's not just us -- it's the new reality of having kids.
Dina Gachman: Your Parent's Basement: The New Post-College Vacation
Maybe the days of budget backpacking are over, which is too bad. But there are still tables to wait and floors to sleep on. And it's worth it.
Jed Kolko: House Hunters: Yes on Sprawl, No on Jobs. Huh?
If you're making a big move and looking at markets across the country, don't ignore the job market. Unless you're retired, buying an investment property, or are expecting to live off your Facebook shares, remember that markets with great housing deals tend to have higher unemployment.
Rana Florida: Your Start-Up Life: How to Get Flexibility at Work
Feel free to let your boss know that a new study released by the Center for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, and American Cancer Society has confirmed what many have long suspected: that lengthy car commutes are terrible for your health.

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