International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia, Food Network Star Outed? And More

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates in 95 countries around the world are honoring the International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia (or IDAHO) with special ceremonies, memorials and other events.
Anne Burrell Outed As Gay? Ted Allen Reveals 'Food Network' Star Is Allegedly Dating A Woman
Floyd Mayweather Jr. For Gay Marriage: U.S. Boxer Tweets Support For Obama's Stance
Gay Cruise Couple Arrested In Dominica Admit To Having Sex
Julaine Appling, Wisconsin Anti-Gay Marriage Pundit, Admits Same-Sex Attraction In interview
Donna Summer Dead At 63: The Queen Of Disco's Best Musical Moments Remembered
Ryan Ubuntu Olson: The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia: A Call to Consciousness
To an average person this may seem like just another rally or protest, but to many of these activists, especially those who live in entrenched spaces where their very lives are still stigmatized, the actions they will take today represent their life's work.
Stephanie Covington Armstrong: My Mother Wishes I Were Gay
My mother keeps prodding me to come out of the closet. She wants me to accept my rightful place in the world as a gay woman. I am probably the only straight woman in America whose mother keeps a watch for latent homosexual urges.
Allessandra Bradley-Burns: Being Gay in Cuba
Our children had different reaction to Obama's words on gay marriage. One child dryly commented "what took him so long?" Two children joined me in a victory dance.
Michelangelo Signorile: No, President Obama Is Not 'The First Gay President'
Even if you accept Toni Morrison's premise that Bill Clinton was "the first black president," which of course Andrew Sullivan is working off of in his essay in Newsweek, it just falls flat when applied to Obama and gays.
Theresa Nolan: Family Acceptance: Groundbreaking 'Best Practice' for Reducing Suicide Risk for LGBT Youth
We now have a new, powerful tool to build vital connections between LGBT youth and their families: The Family Acceptance Project's Supportive Families, Healthy Children booklet, which educates families about the positive impacts of accepting their LGBT children.

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