Roadkill For Dinner?.. Tory's $10K Bet.. Mask Ban

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
A proposed change to Canada's meat inspection rules could permit meat from already-dead animals to be processed for human consumption, although federal inspectors say that would only happen on rare occasions.
What A Mask Ban Might Look Like
Watchdog To Release G20 Police Report
Harper Accused Of Putting North American Security At Risk
Tory Minister Loses $10,000 Bet?
Student Protests Showing Quebec's Ideological Divide
Anthony Morgan: What's Wrong With Affirmative Action? Ask the CBC
In a recent article, Rex Murphy characterized affirmative action as "an inequity in itself," "hollow" and "false." I, on the other hand, think that the CBC commentator's call for a more open debate on affirmative action is important. Affirmative action is to our society what the CBC is to television and radio broadcasting in Canada.
Mark Crowley: Can Elizabeth May Stop the Budget From Passing?
Elizabeth May is planning to use what parliamentary procedures she can to slow the passage of the budget bill as a protest against the way the Conservatives are ramming it through. Maybe she will convince Conservatives that this level of disrespect for the process of parliament is going to cost them too much.
Elizabeth Lee Ford-Jones, MD: Hunger is Not a Game, Canada
The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food will present his preliminary findings on food security in Canada on May 16 in Ottawa. It's my hope that this will put child hunger squarely on the political agenda in Canada. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but hunger is something that we increasingly see among the families that bring their children to the hospital for medical attention.
Zach Paikin: Liberals Need a Specific Platform if They Want to Stay in the Game
The Tories won the 2011 election by appealing to Canadians' pocketbooks, the NDP's rise can be attributed to the lack of a clear Liberal message, and Jack Layton's popularity from beyond the grave. But what are the Liberals supposed to capitalize on? Two words: the economy.
John Feffer: America the Serial Killer
Dexter is all about U.S. foreign policy and the moral calculus of a superpower. Our government has likewise been on a killing streak, and there's no end in sight. But we are also, as a country, conflicted about this propensity toward murder.

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