Apple's Big Reveal.. RIM's Waterloo.. Fracking 'Con Job'.. Another Recession?

Monday, June 11, 2012
Quebec riot police are monitoring entrances to a Montreal convention centre where a major international economic conference is getting underway.
Thomas Mulcair: Fracking Regulation By Energy Lobby A 'Con Job'
Eurozone Crisis: Italian Economy Confirmed In Deep Recession
Harper Prepares Canadians For Possibility Of Another Recession
RIM's Waterloo
What Will Apple Reveal On Monday?
Leo W. Gerard: China Exports Trouble to U.S.
For years, China deliberately diminished the value its currency. This artificially reduces the price of Chinese exports. Simultaneously, it artificially raises the price of U.S. exports to China. Dithering by the U.S. House of Representatives on this issue has reduced America to victim status.
Robert Kuttner: Which Road for Europe?
Angela Merkel's increasing isolation among European leaders should increase the chances that the austerity mongers may yet relent. But Merkel, thus far, shows no sign of moderating her stance. Her talk of deeper European integration is a feint, pure and simple. It has impressed a few commentators, but Europe's other leaders see through it. Merkel is expected to soon embrace increased European investment funds for hard hit peripheral economies. This will help, but will also take time for its impact to be felt. If Merkel wants to display her commitment to the European project and economic recovery right now, the most immediate and practical thing she could do is to throw her support behind the suspension of austerity policies. This would be no small reversal, since Merkel has been a prime architect.
Bianca Bosker: The Rise Of The 'Less Is More' Selective Social Network
Just like grumpy editors wielding red pens, a burgeoning category of sites and apps are battling the share-everything trend with offerings that actually limit what we can say about ourselves.
Andrew Pyle: Should You Repay Your Past? Or Save for Your Future?
In the wake of May's bond market rally from heaven, administered rates have seen additional downward pressure into June. GIC rates have extended their decline, while Canadian mortgage rates are downright juicy. Given this environment, it's no surprise that Canadians are uncertain as to whether they should be paying down debt instead of building investment nest eggs.
Jason Tetro: Banning Plastic Bags Carries Germy Consequence
2012-05-28-GermGuyBanner.jpg The decision by the City of Toronto to ban the distribution of plastic bags may be considered by some to be a victory and others a tragedy. However, for Toronto Public Health, this move may end up being a nightmare.

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