Celebrity Scoop: Lindsay's Car Crash Drama, Snooki's Nude Photo Scandal & More

Monday, June 11, 2012
Lindsay Lohan was involved in a car accident on Friday, and while no one was seriously injured, the drama continues for the much-beleaguered actress.
Snooki's Ex Claims Leaked Photos Weren't His Fault
Salma Hayek Shows Off Sexy Figure On Set
David Arquette Has A Bar Mitzvah In Israel
Trace Cyrus And Brenda Song Call Off Engagement
Miley's Scandalous Photo
Keli Goff: What P. Diddy and Mitt Romney Have in Common
The fact that the son of one of the wealthiest African-Americans in the country will be attending school on a full scholarship has rankled many. But Diddy's son is not the first wealthy offspring to be awarded a scholarship, and he is unlikely to be the last.
Laird Hamilton: Saving the Ocean From a Wipeout
Surfers know the importance of balance. It's the difference between a great ride and a wipeout, and it's a principle we can learn a lot from when it comes to how we treat the oceans we love so much.
Denette Wilford: How Watchable Is The New 'Dallas'?
As far as maintaining the same feel as the wildly popular soap, "Dallas" is great. TNT's reboot has been redone for our modern, more fickle eyes, but keeps the main storyline all about family and heart, all told by a younger, prettier cast. But is it watchable week after week?
Gregory Weinkauf: Lost in Space: A Chat With Prometheus Writer-Producer Damon Lindelof
Since Lindelof is known for making the TV series Lost rather "twisty," I ask him about creating narrative surprises in the wake of M. Night Shyamalan.
Sydney Levin: 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' Recap: Nice Day for A Gay Wedding
Now instead of he said/she said crap, with the new In Touch magazine, Teresa's truly hateful feelings are out there for the whole world to see ... and buy. So what's Caroline going to do?

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