HuffPost Science: "A Universe From Nothing;" Phenomenal Catch; How Earth Formed?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Why is there something rather than nothing? What existed before the Big Bang? How can everything we know to exist in the entire observable universe have spontaneously erupted out of thin air? Click the link above to learn more.
Physics Explains NYC Man's Phenomenal Catch Of Falling Child
New Study Suggests Theory Of Earth's Formation Is Flawed
NASA Plans Menu For Looong Mars Mission
Fertility Drugs May Affect Children's Stature, Study Suggests
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Robert Fuller: The Secret to Science's Success
Modeling has made humans what we are and our success as a species depends on learning to use them wisely.
Winfried S. Peters: WATCH: Snail Attacks Pencil
David Sloan Wilson: Clash of Paradigms
A clash of paradigms is currently taking place for evolutionary theories of social behavior. In this corner, multilevel selection theory (MLST), a configuration of ideas that began with Darwin and has maintained a degree of continuity, in addition to a degree of change, up to the present.
Victor Stenger: Higgs and the Mass of the Universe
In all the recent hoopla about the long-sought Higgs boson, you often hear it said that it is responsible for the mass of the universe. This is not true. Assuming it exists, the Higgs boson is actually responsible for only a small fraction of the total mass of the universe.
Dr. Reese Halter: Nature Helps Create Scrumptious Ice Cream
Nestle scientists are looking to nature for help in revealing exactly which mechanism within ice crystal dynamics is responsible for taking the fun and flavor away from ice cream as it ages in home freezers.

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