Prices Up, Money Buys Love, Best Things To Buy In September And More

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Against the "better off" message pushed at the Democratic National Convention, there remain some sobering facts: It costs more to be an American in 2012 than it did in 2008 by many key measures.

Prices for health care-related goods and services, higher education and food have all jumped over the last four years, according to the Consumer Price Index.
Apparently, Money Can Buy You Love
10 Things Personal Shoppers Don't Want You To Know
Ford's Embarrassing Recall
The Best Things to Buy in September
Lessons Learned In A Pig Suit
Fred Wertheimer: The Small Donor Revolution: Empowering Citizens to Combat Influence-Money in Politics
2012-08-28-scblog2.png While we cannot limit independent spending by outside groups, we can dramatically increase the role and importance of small donors in our elections and revolutionize the way campaigns are financed. Here's how.
LearnVest: I'm Ashamed of My Money: Why Broke Is the New Single for Me
Promising temp-to-perm positions petered out for my husband. Asking for raises lost me clients as a freelance writer. Unemployment ran out. And now, with two kids in preschool, our "trimming down" is more like a Brazilian bikini wax.
Grant Cardone: What Is the Middle Class Nowadays?
Can you find one person in the middle of the middle class that is feeling secure, safe, and encouraged by their financial future? No, what you find in today's middle class is uncertainty, insecurity, fear, and attempts at holding on with very little results.
Rich Williams: Back to College: Campus Debit Card Dangers
As students head back to school, over 9 million are at risk for increased educational debt, due to bank-affiliated campus debit cards that come with high fees, insufficient consumer protections, and few options.
Robert Schrader: Save $13,000 For Travel In One Year
People frequently ask me how I afford to travel as much as I do. They're surprised to learn that my annual income has never once reached the average per-capita GDP of the U.S. -- yet I have taken 11 overseas trips, all of them self-funded. If I can afford it, you can!

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